Please click the video link to find out more about SDG 3 and how Lucy Group are contributing to good health and well-being.
What is SDG 3?
SDG 3 ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for all, at all ages.
How does Lucy Group contribute to SDG 3?
Lucy Group contributes to SDG 3 by providing a safe work environment that promotes the health and well-being of all those potentially affected by our activities and actively participating in campaigns to reduce the impacts of ill health and disease.
The targets listed below outline how Lucy Group will contribute to good health and wellbeing through reducing mortality from non-communicable diseases, reducing death and road injuries and reducing death and illness from hazardous chemicals.
Find out more about Sustainable Development Goals on the United Nations website
How does Lucy Group meet target 3.4?
- Implementing health and safety procedures and practices that safeguard employees from injury and ill-health in the workplace.
- Liaising with local health authorities to provided information to employees on disease prevention and management.
- Recognising the importance of employee wellbeing and mental health and implementing a wellbeing strategy

How does Lucy Group meet target 3.6?
- Ensuring the safety of our employees and other road users by providing training and education on road safety, driving laws, cycling and pedestrian safety.
- Establish compliance with road safety within the supply chain.
- Have procedures in place for the maintenance of vehicles operated by the business, either owned or leased, to ensure they remain legally compliant, fit for purpose and road worthy.
- Have mechanisms in place to immediately address situations where no-compliances are found to protect, drives, passengers and other road users.

How does Lucy Group meet target 3.9?
- Implementing adequate occupational health and safety procedures to ensure that employees and anyone at or in the vicinity of business operations and in the supply chain are not harmed or affected by hazardous, non-hazardous and transported, imported, exported, or treated waste.
- Implementing adequate occupational health and safety procedures to ensure that employees and anyone at or in the vicinity of business operations and in the supply chain are not harmed or affected by emissions generated through our business activates.
- Implementing adequate occupational health and safety procedures to control the generation and responsible disposal of waste generated through our business activates.
- Establish processes for assessing suppliers compliance and their ability to assess the risk factors associated with hazardous substances, waste and emissions.