In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, numerous local groups sprang into action to provide much-needed aid to those affected by the conflict.
One such group, based in Banbury, took a unique approach to assist the Ukrainian people in their time of need. It arranges aid runs using 4x4s, vans and small trucks, which are in great demand on the ground in Ukraine. Over time, their efforts have grown, garnering support from various communities, and making a significant impact in the lives of those they help.
The heart of the aid runs lies in the collection, loading, and transportation of essential supplies to Ukraine. Blankets, food, clothing, medical supplies, and vehicle spares are carefully gathered by a dedicated team of supporters. The donated 4x4s and vans are loaded up with these items and driven to Lviv, where the aid is distributed to those in need. Each vehicle costs around £2,000, and the generosity of vehicle donations significantly aids the group’s efforts. Additionally, the partnership with Help and Hope Together, based in Banbury, further strengthens their impact.
What started as a small group has grown into a substantial force of individuals from the local community and garnered widespread support, including those who donate vehicles, fundraising teams, collectors, and sorters of donations. The community’s involvement in these aid runs have been vital to addressing urgent humanitarian needs.
Lucy Electric is proud to have supported such a fantastic Oxfordshire based organisation and are glad that its old service van can now be used to help alleviate the suffering of those in need.
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