The Lucy Story
Our history is one of innovation and bold decisions. We have achieved growth and diversification by believing in our people, investing in new products, taking brave decisions and building trusted relationships. We believe this heritage is a strong foundation for a bright future.
Our Future
We believe that our approach of investment, leading change and building long term relationships are the foundations for a strong future. The Group has positioned itself in strategic sectors and markets where we believe there will be sustained growth and where we can continue to improve people’s lives by delivering smart, sustainable solutions.

Our Heritage
It is believed that the origins of Lucy Group reach as far back as 1760. However, the Company has been in existence since 1812 when William Carter opened an ironmongery shop on the High Street in Oxford, UK. In 1825, the business moved to a new brass and iron foundry in Jericho in 1825, a site which became known as Eagle Works, and is still the headquarters of Lucy Group today.
Since then the Group has continued to expand and diversify into new markets and regions. Lucy Group now employs over 1,700 people and trades in over 70 countries.
Please see our illustrated timeline below to see a heritage of innovation, change and expansion:

Lucy Electric launches its EcoTec ring main unit, the first in the UK to replace SF6 gas – a potent greenhouse gas – with synthetic air.
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Lucy Group acquires the assets and IP of Fundamentals’ Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML) business and merges them with Lucy Electric’s GridKey intelligent Low Voltage (LV) remote monitoring system and digital substation activities.
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Lucy Group acquires an 80% majority shareholding in Flashnet S.A., a specialist in the design, development and manufacture of smart lighting and smart city control systems.
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Planning permission accepted for St. Pauls House, the former Jericho health centre, with development work due to start in September 2021
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Lucy Electric UK receives CEMARS certificate for reducing carbon emissions by more than 18% in eight years
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Acquisition of Crompton Greaves™ equity interests in CG Lucy Switchgear Ltd and the GridKey business from Selex ES Ltd.
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Lucy Electric’s Thailand manufacturing and commercial activities established.
Acquisition of Truscanian Ltd, an aluminum and bronze casting business; Lucy Castings formed combining Truscanian Ltd and Sandawana Castings Ltd.
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Zodion Limited Net Assets were acquired and integrated with Lucy Lighting to become Lucy Zodion Ltd.
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Redevelopment of the former Eagle Works site complete; Lucy Real Estate business unit established to combine Lucy Properties and Lucy Developments.

Lucy Electric moves to Thame and all manufacturing ends at Eagle Works; third factory opens in Dubai for RMUs and SF6 switchgear.
Development agreement for Eagle Works signed with Berkley Homes.
Major business reorganisation takes place to modernise and expand the Lucy Group.

Lucy Electric opens first manufacturing unit in United Arab Emirates.
Acquisition of Power Isolators Ltd & Power Connectors Ltd.
CG Lucy Switchgear Ltd joint venture established with Grants Greaves.
Richard Dick takes over as Chairman.

Acquisition of Sandawana Castings.
WL Shareholding Co Ltd incorporated, stabilising independent ownership.
Gordon Dick succeeds as Chairman.

Gordon Dick joins Lucy’s and together with Chief Engineer L.P. Lockwood undertakes a major redesign programme.
John Reid Dick becomes Chairman.
Lucy acknowledges future lies in the electrical business by joining BEAMA.
William Madgen appoints John Reid Dick as Managing Director.
Charles Kelley takes over and forms W Lucy & Co Ltd.
Business changes name to Grafton & Lucy.
Business (now owned by Charles Grafton) renamed Eagle Ironworks.
Carter opens the Jericho Iron and Brass Foundry in Walton Well Road.

William Carter opens an ironmongery business on Oxford High Street.